Sunday, March 21, 2010

Big News!

I have been thinking a lot lately and one thing in particular has been on my mind. It doesn't make a lot of sense to have my own online cooking show without an official cookbook. Before I go on I should preface this by telling you that everything in the remainder of this update is highly tentative. Tentative or not, I am still proud to announce my plans to release an official Dave Trent cook book. I know I have a long and winding road to travel before my recipes are hard bound in a book with my name on it, but I got nowhere else to turn. Follow the blog to watch the journey unfold. See you tomorrow. Bright and early.


  1. How do I pre-order?

  2. I like it and I'd buy one!

  3. I'll wait for the audiobook.

  4. Email all of your questions and inquiries directly to

  5. Hi Dave!
